Wednesday, April 9, 2014

The relationship between Sin, Cos, and the Right Triangle animation

The relationship between Sin, Cos, and the Right Triangle animation

Universal Joint animation

Universal Joint animation

Sunday, April 6, 2014

7-segment LCD display

Archimedes' screw

Also called the Archimedean screw or screwpump, is a machine historically used for transferring water from a low-lying body of water into irrigation ditches. The screw pump is commonly attributed to Archimedes on the occasion of his visit to Egypt, but this tradition may reflect only that the apparatus was unknown to the Greeks beforeHellenistic times and introduced in his lifetime by unknown Greek engineers,although some writers have suggested the device may have been in use in Assyria some 350 years earlier.

Disk Surface animation

Disk Sufrace Disk calculation show as animation -formula = r square * 3.14

Learn which Poker hands mean what !

This image shows and teaches you which Poker hands mean what ! 

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Constant Velocity Joint

Animation of Constant Velocity Joint shown as a GIF !

Double Cardan Joint animation

Double Cardan Joint animation

Jet engine !

How deos Sequential gearbox work ?!

Sequential gearbox animation

How gears work ?!

Very cool .GIF of gears in action,transmission and gearbox !

Pump in action !

Diesel engine in action !

Diesel engine piston 

How does a crankshaft work ?

Cranksaft in motion .GIF

How to melt stuff with electricity ?!

Melting stuff with powerfull electromagnet,here is a GIF to explain how does it look like !

How does key mechanism work ?

Key mechanism is very interesting here is GIF to explain hoe does it work !

How does gun turret work ?!

Here is an excelent GIF to explain how does gun turret work !

How do radians work ?!

Here is a GIF to explain how radians work !

What are radians?

What are radians,here is a GIF to explain it ?!

How does a zipper work ?!

How does a zipper work,here is a GIF to explain it !

How do guns work !?

How do guns work !?
Here is a GIF to explain it !

How does sewing machine work ?!

How does sewing machine work,here is a GIF to explain it !

How does engine work ?!

How does engine work,here is a GIF to explain it  !